About this site

The Gryphon provides not just the theory but the practical lessons of leadership to help mold the next generation of leaders and avoid the common pitfalls that plague new supervisors.
About this site
Photo by Mareks Mangūzis / Unsplash

The Gryphon is an independent publication launched in May 2024 by Nathan Powell. These are my musing to help mold the next generation of leaders and to help them avoid the common pitfalls of new supervisors.

I draw not just from theory but from the practical lessons learned during my 22 years of military leadership. As an Air Force Academy graduate and an officer in the USAF, I've had the unique opportunity to lead diverse teams across varied environments, each requiring meticulous trust and unity of purpose.

This experience taught me that whether in the cockpit or in coordination with global organizations, the principles of integrity, active listening, autonomy, and empathy are universal in forging a robust team. I encourage you to look beyond these words to the values lived out in high-pressure situations, knowing that the art of leadership—molded by experience and genuine connection—will steer you towards creating not just a team, but a cohesive force united by a shared mission and mutual trust.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from real-world experiences and practical advice that can help you build trust, cultivate strong relationships, and lead with confidence.

Subscribe to TheNathanPowell.com to unlock the secrets and gain the insights you need to become a successful leader.