11 min read

Navigating the Future: Leadership Demands on New Managers in an AI-Driven World

To navigate this future effectively, new managers must understand the educational requirements for working with AI, compensate for its limitations, adapt work tasks, and evolve organizational structures. The most successful leaders will be those who begin adapting now.
Navigating the Future: Leadership Demands on New Managers in an AI-Driven World
Photo by Igor Omilaev / Unsplash


The rapid pace at which we are seeing artificial intelligence (AI) increase productivity and rally excitement of its potential should spark reflection by future and aspiring leaders. Beginning with Google declaring it would be an AI first company eight years ago, to its rollout of Gemini, its largest and most capable AI model recently, and the dominance of OpenAI's ChatGPT, it is prescient to consider how this capability will affect your respective industry and your leaders and managers as it brings unprecedented changes to how we work, lead, and achieve our goals. To navigate this future effectively, new managers must understand the educational requirements for working with AI, compensate for its limitations, adapt work tasks, and evolve organizational structures. The most successful leaders will be those who begin adapting now.

Education Requirements: Mastering AI and Beyond

Understanding AI Basics

To lead effectively in an AI-driven world, you must first understand what AI is and how it functions. This doesn’t mean becoming an AI specialist but gaining a solid grasp of the basics. The foundational components of AI are data, algorithms, and computing power.


AI begins with datasets. To draw an analogy, if one thinks of building a house, data would be the raw materials like shingles, nails, 2x4's and windows. There are numerous datasets to choose from depending upon what task you may hope to complete, just like there are different resources for the type of house you are building--log cabin, ranch-style, teepee, or mansion. Where do these datasets come from?

These datasets come from the collection of inputs into computer systems or via the internet depending upon what dataset you are referencing. For example, Tesla is not an electric car company as much as it is a driving sensor for AI dataset collection. Google, whose search algorithm connects users to information on the internet drives 93% of global traffic. This gives it valuable insight to construct AI models. Some categories of data collection are: government datasets, open datasets like Google Search, Amazon Web Services, and Kaggle datasets; image, healthcare, and audio datasets.

How are these datasets used?


A dataset has little utility until it is actioned. Algorithms are "a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer." In a broad sense all computer code is an algorithm. Datasets without an algorithm is similar to having all the resources for a house delivered, but no blueprint for how to build the house. It is the blueprint that organizes the resources in such a way as to construct the house.

The algorithm is built for a corresponding dataset. Therefore, the dataset matters as well as the algorithm to produce meaningful outputs. According to McKinsey, nearly 75% of industrial companies have used some form of AI in their operations, with less than 15% achieving scalable impact.

Why is the operational impact so low? The McKinsey report suggests a failure to understand first principles of the organization's operations and are developed by those who do not have insight into the business and its needs.

What should you look for and what questions should you ask to ensure you have a high quality dataset?

  1. Quality- the data should be consistent, structured, and recent.
  2. Relevance- the data should pertain to the desired outcome. If one is looking for insights in the medical space, there would likely be limitations in training the model on a general dataset.
  3. Size- this is basic statistics. A larger sample size reduces the likelihood of sampling error and more accurately reflects the population being studied. One of the quickest ways to scientifically derive the incorrect conclusion is from limiting your sample size. As referenced by Daniel Kahneman in Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow, humans are innately biased to recency and confirmation bias. Small datasets, narrowly focused, and potentially hand-selected are not only unethical, but impossible at deriving the truth with any certainty and would render one's model with little value.
  4. Diversity- Similar to the idea of a large sample size, diversity is generally a natural by-product of a large sample size. However, one can have a large sample size from a single source, which could create the same problem as a small sample size. The diversity of the dataset allows for greater capture of the population data in order to derive accurate results. For example, taking 100 water samples from a river in the same location over 10 days, does not give an accurate picture of the health the river as 10 samples from 10 different locations at different times of the year. In our example, we have an appropriate size, but not enough diversity to have true insight.
a book with a diagram on it
Photo by Андрей Сизов / Unsplash

What Types of Algorithms are there?

There are three main types of AI algorithms:

  1. Supervised Learning- uses labeled data to predict outcomes
  2. Unsupervised Learning- uses unlabeled data with the potential to discover new patterns without human intervention
  3. Reinforcement Learning- uses observations gathered from the environment to iteratively learn

Under these categories there are dozens of different algorithms using different techniques to derive patterns and correlate information. Below are three of the most common techniques:

Machine Learning: At its core, machine learning involves algorithms that enable computers to learn from and make predictions based on data. It is used in various applications, from recommendation systems on streaming services to fraud detection in banking.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP enables AI to understand, interpret, and generate human language. This technology powers chatbots, virtual assistants, and language translation services.

Neural Networks: Inspired by the human brain, neural networks are designed to recognize patterns. They are used in image and speech recognition, autonomous vehicles, and more.

Computing Power and AI

Computing power is critical for AI to continue to advance and have common utility at a speed, scale, and timeframe relevant to users.

In order to process large datasets, intensive and complex computations necessitate parallel processing to handle large-scale matrix operations which are required for algorithm development, training AI models, and real-time processing. Sticking with the home building analogy, computing power is equivalent to having laborers to build the home. Having only a few laborers means the home won't be built fast, in time for the buyer, or on a relevant timeline for the housing track developer either.

So, now that you have a basic understanding of AI, what does that mean for you?

AI's Impact on the Work Environment

AI is already having an impact of the work environment. If you don't already have a plan for how to integrate AI into your daily work then I strongly recommend you consider what tasks and efficiencies can be gained by the communication and general technical skills that AI puts at your employees' fingertips. However, it is also not a panacea of benefit. AI's strengths also come with drawbacks the leader must mitigate.

Specialized Training and Continuous Learning

The dynamic nature of AI means continuous learning is crucial. Specialized training in data analysis, AI ethics, and human-AI interaction can equip you with the skills needed to leverage AI effectively. Encourage your team to pursue ongoing education and create a culture that values continuous improvement and adaptation.

Data Analysis: Understanding how to interpret and use data is essential. Courses in data science can provide insights into statistical analysis, data visualization, and data-driven decision-making.

AI Ethics: As AI becomes more prevalent, ethical considerations are paramount. Learning about AI ethics ensures that you and your team use AI responsibly and address potential biases and ethical dilemmas.

Human-AI Interaction: This involves understanding how humans and AI can work together seamlessly. It includes designing user-friendly AI systems and ensuring that AI complements human skills rather than replaces them.

Compensating for AI’s Limitations

AI, despite its capabilities, has limitations. It excels in data processing and pattern recognition but lacks emotional intelligence, creativity, and ethical judgment. As a leader, you need to fill these gaps. Developing skills in emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making is essential. These skills enable you to make nuanced decisions, address complex human issues, and guide AI deployment responsibly.

Emotional Intelligence: AI cannot replicate human empathy or emotional understanding. Developing emotional intelligence allows you to better connect with your team, understand their needs, and foster a supportive work environment.

Critical Thinking: While AI can process vast amounts of data, it cannot think critically or question its own results. Critical thinking skills enable you to evaluate AI outputs, consider alternative perspectives, and make informed decisions.

Ethical Decision-Making: AI systems can unintentionally perpetuate biases present in their training data. Ethical decision-making involves recognizing these biases, implementing fair practices, and ensuring AI is used in a socially responsible manner.

Adapting to Changing Work Tasks

Identifying and Enhancing Human Value

As AI takes over repetitive and data-intensive tasks, human roles will shift towards more strategic, creative, and interpersonal tasks. Help your team identify where they can add the most value. Encourage them to focus on areas where human ingenuity, empathy, and complex problem-solving are irreplaceable. This includes roles in strategy development, innovation, customer relations, and leadership.

Strategic Development: AI can provide data-driven insights, but it requires human vision and strategic thinking to turn these insights into actionable plans. Encourage your team to develop their strategic thinking skills and look for opportunities to innovate.

Innovation: Creativity and out-of-the-box thinking are uniquely human traits. Foster an environment where team members feel empowered to brainstorm, experiment, and develop new ideas.

Customer Relations: While AI can assist with customer service, human interaction is often essential for building strong relationships and resolving complex issues. Emphasize the importance of empathy and effective communication in customer interactions.

Leadership: Leadership involves inspiring and motivating others, a skill AI lacks. Develop your team’s leadership abilities through mentorship, coaching, and opportunities for leadership roles.

Structuring Work for Maximum Impact

AI can enhance productivity, but it requires well-structured workflows. Ensure that tasks are divided based on the strengths of AI and humans. For instance, let AI handle data analysis while humans focus on interpreting the results and making strategic decisions. This collaboration can lead to more informed and effective outcomes.

Workflow Optimization: Analyze your team’s workflow to identify tasks that can be automated by AI and those that require human input. Streamline processes to reduce redundancy and improve efficiency.

Collaboration Tools: Implement tools and platforms that facilitate collaboration between humans and AI. This could include project management software, communication tools, and AI-driven analytics platforms.

Feedback Mechanisms: Establish feedback loops to continuously improve how AI and human teams work together. Regularly review performance metrics, gather input from team members, and make necessary adjustments.

Encouraging Adaptability and Flexibility

The future of work will be characterized by rapid change. Foster a culture of adaptability and flexibility within your team. Encourage experimentation, accept failures as learning opportunities, and celebrate innovation. Equip your team with the tools and mindset to pivot quickly in response to new AI developments and market shifts.

Culture of Learning: Promote continuous learning by providing access to training programs, workshops, and educational resources. Encourage team members to stay updated on industry trends and advancements in AI.

Resilience Building: Develop resilience by preparing your team to handle change and uncertainty. Offer support during transitions, provide clear communication, and recognize the efforts of those who adapt quickly.

Innovation Hubs: Create innovation hubs or dedicated spaces where team members can experiment with new ideas and technologies. These hubs can serve as incubators for creativity and collaboration.

Evolving Organizational Structures

Rethinking Traditional Hierarchies

AI's integration into the workplace may necessitate a rethinking of traditional hierarchical structures. Flat and agile organizational models can enhance collaboration and speed up decision-making processes. These structures allow for more dynamic responses to AI-driven changes and foster a culture of shared responsibility and innovation.

Flat Hierarchies: In a flat hierarchy, fewer levels of management separate executives from employees. This structure can improve communication, reduce bureaucracy, and empower employees to take initiative.

Agile Teams: Agile teams are cross-functional groups that work collaboratively on projects. They emphasize flexibility, quick decision-making, and iterative progress. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban, can help teams adapt to changing priorities and deliver value more efficiently.

Shared Responsibility: Foster a culture where employees feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for their work. This can be achieved by involving team members in decision-making processes and recognizing their contributions.

Enhancing Cross-Functional Collaboration

AI’s impact spans across various departments and functions. Encourage cross-functional collaboration to harness the full potential of AI. Create interdisciplinary teams that bring together diverse perspectives and expertise. This approach can lead to more comprehensive solutions and a deeper understanding of AI’s capabilities and limitations.

Interdisciplinary Teams: Form teams that include members from different departments, such as marketing, finance, IT, and operations. This diversity can lead to more innovative solutions and a holistic understanding of challenges.

Collaborative Platforms: Utilize collaborative platforms and tools that facilitate communication and project management across departments. Tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Trello can enhance teamwork and streamline workflows.

Regular Interactions: Schedule regular meetings and workshops that bring together employees from different functions. These interactions can foster relationships, encourage knowledge sharing, and promote a collaborative culture.

Portfolio Management and Risk Management

Integrating Portfolio Management

Incorporating AI into business models requires a holistic approach to portfolio management. Evaluate and prioritize AI projects based on their potential impact, feasibility, and alignment with strategic goals. Regularly review and adjust your portfolio to ensure that resources are allocated effectively and that you are capitalizing on AI’s benefits while mitigating risks.

Project Evaluation: Develop criteria for evaluating AI projects, including potential ROI, alignment with business objectives, and resource requirements. Use these criteria to prioritize projects and allocate resources accordingly.

Balanced Portfolio: Maintain a balanced portfolio of AI initiatives that includes both high-risk, high-reward projects and more stable, incremental improvements. This balance can help manage risk while pursuing innovation.

Ongoing Review: Regularly review your portfolio to assess the progress and impact of AI projects. Adjust priorities as needed to respond to changing business conditions and emerging opportunities.

Enhancing Risk Management Strategies

AI introduces new risks, including biases, security vulnerabilities, and ethical concerns. Develop robust risk management strategies to address these challenges. This includes implementing rigorous testing and validation processes, establishing ethical guidelines for AI use, and ensuring transparency and accountability in AI-driven decisions. Regularly update these strategies to adapt to evolving AI technologies and regulatory landscapes.

Bias Mitigation: Implement measures to identify and mitigate biases in AI algorithms. This includes diverse training data, fairness audits, and ongoing monitoring for biased outcomes.

Security Protocols: Establish robust cybersecurity protocols to protect sensitive data and AI systems from threats. Regularly update security measures and conduct penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities.

Ethical Guidelines: Develop and enforce ethical guidelines for AI use within your organization. These guidelines should address issues such as data privacy, informed consent, and the ethical implications of AI decisions.

Transparency and Accountability: Ensure transparency in AI decision-making processes by documenting and explaining how AI systems operate and make decisions. Establish accountability mechanisms to address any negative impacts or unintended consequences.

Mitigating Strategic Surprise

AI’s reliance on data can sometimes lead to unexpected outcomes due to limited datasets or unforeseen variables. To mitigate strategic surprise, diversify your data sources and incorporate scenario planning into your decision-making processes. By considering a range of possible futures and preparing for various contingencies, you can better navigate uncertainty and maintain strategic agility.

Scenario Planning: Use scenario planning to explore different future scenarios and their potential impacts on your organization. This involves identifying key uncertainties, developing plausible scenarios, and creating strategies to address each scenario.

Data Diversification: Diversify your data sources to reduce reliance on any single dataset and improve the robustness of AI models. This can include integrating data from different departments, external sources, and alternative data providers.

Adaptive Strategies: Develop adaptive strategies that allow your organization to pivot quickly in response to unexpected changes. This includes creating flexible plans, building resilience, and maintaining a culture of agility and innovation.


As a new manager you are well-positioned to lead in an AI-driven world. Your assertiveness, drive, and ability to inspire others will be invaluable as you navigate the complexities of integrating AI into your organization. By understanding the educational requirements, adapting work tasks, evolving organizational structures, and enhancing portfolio and risk management, you can effectively lead your team through this transformative era. Embrace the opportunities that AI presents, compensate for its limitations, and foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation. The future of leadership in an AI-driven world is bright, and with the right approach, you can steer your organization towards success.

Embrace the future, stay curious, and lead with confidence!