Nathan Powell

My 22+ years of military experience taught me leadership fundamentals: communication, empowerment, and leading by example. As my career ends, I hope to help aspiring leaders avoid common mistakes.
A signpost directing hikers where they should go

What It Means to Be a Leader: Unpacking the Essence of Leadership

Wondering what it means to be a leader? Looking to the origin of the word provides key clues to developing your leadership abilities. Leaders inspire others, guide them to achievement, set the example, and help them be better versions of themselves.
8 min read
The Importance of a Leader's Positive Attitude in the Workplace

The Importance of a Leader's Positive Attitude in the Workplace

Leaders have an outsized impact on our lives. Their attitude, like a compass, directs the workplace environment, influences team morale, fosters culture, and drives productivity.
11 min read
General Dwight Eisenhower with paratroopers, just before they board their airplanes on D-Day

The Power of a Leader’s Empathy: Lessons from General Eisenhower

Empathy is often touted as a critical leadership quality, and its significance is increasingly needed in our offices. On this anniversary of D-Day, let's look at the historical example of General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s leadership during World War II.
5 min read
Advice for New Squadron Commanders

Advice for New Squadron Commanders

6 min read
How to Give a Change of Command Speech

How to Give a Change of Command Speech

Wondering how to give a change of command speech? Get the guidance you need for your change of command and writing your speech.
6 min read
Shackleton's expedition to the Antarctic lost party on Elephant Island saved at last. Antarctica Elephant Island, ca. 1916.

Leadership Stories:

Ernest Shackleton's heroic expedition is a guidepost for you next leadership crisis. Steady leadership in a crisis emphasizes resilience, morale, adaptability, and above all leading by example.
7 min read
Developing a Growth Mindset for Leadership, Life, and Beyond

Developing a Growth Mindset for Leadership, Life, and Beyond

A growth mindset is essential for effective leadership as it promotes resilience, continuous learning, innovation, and a positive organizational culture. Leaders who embrace a growth mindset inspire their teams to achieve higher levels of performance and engagement.
7 min read
New plant growth piercing soil as metaphor for one's leadership journey cultivating new leadership skills

Leadership Qualities Every New Supervisor Needs

I know where you are at, you are excited, you want to do a good job, and you are curious
9 min read
The Gryphon: A Symbol of Character, Protection, and Leadership

The Gryphon: A Symbol of Character, Protection, and Leadership

The gryphon has served as the king of all domains and represents excellence in the air and on the ground. The gryphon has long served as a symbol of leadership protecting the greatest treasures of man and serving as an emblem of protection, character, and leadership.
2 min read

First Things First: You have to Lead Yourself

Often it is because of our functional expertise that we are promoted to higher levels of responsibility. We take pride
8 min read