2 min read

The Gryphon: A Symbol of Character, Protection, and Leadership

The gryphon has served as the king of all domains and represents excellence in the air and on the ground. The gryphon has long served as a symbol of leadership protecting the greatest treasures of man and serving as an emblem of protection, character, and leadership.
The Gryphon: A Symbol of Character, Protection, and Leadership
Photo by Alman1962 on Freeimages.com

The Gryphon, or Griffin, is a mythological creature referenced in Egyptian, Persian, and in western lore for thousands of years, dating back to 3300 B.C. With the body of a lion and torso and head of an eagle, the gryphon is a combination of the kings of the air and ground.

As a result, its symbolism in heraldry is that of courage, leadership, and strength.

In addition, as I trace my family heraldry back to Wales, it is the gryphon that stands as my family crest. My blog is about leadership and so it seems like a natural fit.

When I was 18 and completing my freshman year at University, I was introduced to a retired gentleman, who had penetrating eyes, like he could peer into your soul. And at that moment, he did. He said it took 9 nano-seconds for him to know if someone was a leader and he offered to mentor me. What 18-19 year old would not want to be mentored, especially in a topic that my father had spent numerous hours discussing with me?

My mentor had a mythical air about him. He is known as The Dragon, partly because he would not sugar coat anything and he was demanding. He also was characterized as and fond of Merlin for the nearly 50 years of mentoring young men who became general officers and served at the highest levels of government.

gray stainless steel armor
Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 / Unsplash

Perhaps then it is his influence that inspired me to find a touchstone, an image that could convey the leadership principles and ideals I hope to aspire toward. I seek to be a leader, protector, and upstanding man of character.

That is what the gryphon means to me.

Do you have an emblem, artifact, or symbol that means something to you?

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